The Little Mermaid – a Magical Augmented Reality Book Is Simply Awesome

The Little Mermaid – a Magical Augmented Reality Book Is Simply Awesome

July 09, 2016 by macjeff

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

If there’s one technological movement that I’m all for, it’s virtual and augmented reality.

It’s pretty cool to be able to point your iPhone at something and make a scene come to life.

The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book is an incredibly fun augmented reality book that’s off to a great start.

This innovative eBook, by Books & Magic for iPhone and iPad, provides an amazing augmented reality experience and kids will no doubt enjoy using it.

Concept and Functionality:

The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book is the first interactive storybook by Books & Magic, and I’m definitely willing to say that it’s a home run.

In order to use the book you need to either have a secondary Apple device (another iPhone or an iPad) handy.

You also have the option to purchase a physical book, and I’ll talk about that in greater detail later in this review.

Once you’ve acquired the book via secondary device or you picked up a physical copy, you can open The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book and point your primary device towards an open page in the book.

This will make illustrations come to life and kids can interact with all sorts of mini games while learning about the classic story of The Little Mermaid.

When it comes to ease-of-use, parents don’t own a secondary Apple device are at a bit of a disadvantage because you’re pretty much limited to purchasing a physical copy of the book.

I couldn’t find an option from the developer to purchase a digital copy of The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book in PDF format (or another digital format).


Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

The Little Mermaid iPhone App

As you could probably imagine, The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book definitely includes tons of great features that make it an amazing app for youngsters.

Not only does it allow 3-D exploration, but there are plenty of fun mini games that follow along with the classic storyline.

Parents will also be happy to know that The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book doesn’t include advertising or distractions, so kids are much less likely to divert away from the game while using your device.


The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book is available to download from the App Store for free and is universally compatible with iPhone and iPad. You want to purchase the full book digitally, you can do so via in-app purchase for $9.99.

If you want a physical copy of the book you’ll be spending much more; it’s just over $37 USD free shipping.

Overall, The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Book is an incredible book that makes it very easy for kids get excited about the world of augmented reality.

It’s a little bit tricky to set up and it has its disadvantages if you’re not a multi-device household, but once you get it going it’s something that your child will definitely enjoy.

The Little Mermaid – A Magical Augmented Reality Booklittle_mermaid.jpg requires iOS 7.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

TheiPhoneAppReview’s rating:

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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