Keep Your Medical Records in One Place with My Medi Recs

Keep Your Medical Records in One Place with My Medi Recs

May 08, 2017 by RSS Feed

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Keeping track of your medical history can be a daunting task, especially if you suffer from a chronic condition that requires you to to visit the doctor frequently.

Technology is advancing rapidly in the way of making your medical records readily available to you, but luckily there are ways to keep information at your fingertips.

My Medi Recs is a highly comprehensive medical record tracking app for iPhone that’s also incredibly easy to use.

Developed by FNJ Software, this app was specially designed for sufferers of rare or complicated medical ailments.

Concept and Functionality:

Whether you prefer comprehensive doctor’s notes, a handwritten journal, or other means of medical tracking, keeping everything together and organized can be difficult and tiresome. My Medi Recs was created out of necessity by a patient for patients as a way to keep tabs on treatments.

As stated earlier, My Medi Recs is incredibly easy to use and navigate. I really like the fact that the app puts everything on one menu.

This makes it very easy to locate specific sections so you can show a doctor or take notes. When it comes to entering and tracking medical records, you can be as vague or as specific as you like.

Personally I think you should take full advantage of everything the app offers in terms of tracking allergies, doctor information, diagnosis notes, etc.

It might take you a little while to get everything entered into the app once you download it, but it’s time well spent.


Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

My Medi Recs iPhone App

From tracking emergency contacts to being able to add photos to diagnosis notes, My Medi Recs has pretty much everything covered.

I couldn’t think of a single thing that it was lacking in terms of record-keeping, which is pretty impressive.

The well designed medical records app even includes a place for you to store links and other information pertaining to any of your ailments.

People who suffer from chronic conditions often spend a lot of time researching them, and I think it’s very helpful to be able to keep links and documentation in one spot.


My Medi Recs is available to download from the App Store for $9.99 and is designed for iPhone.

The price may seem a bit high at first, but as the developer notes, “A percentage (20%) of all profits are given to FMDSA and Scleroderma- therefore we, FNJ Software, would like to thank you for helping FMD and Scleroderma sufferers.”

In the end it all boils down to what you think the app could do for you. I do wish users could access a trial version to see if it’s right for them, but it’s a small price to pay for keeping all of your medical data in one spot.

My Medi Recsmedi_recs.jpg requires iOS 10.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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