Build and Maintain Your Empire in Medieval Dynasty Game of Kings

Build and Maintain Your Empire in Medieval Dynasty Game of Kings

March 09, 2019 by RSS Feed

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Of all the great games available in the App Store it can be a challenge to decide which ones to check out. If you’re into strategy games, however, look no further. Here is a rock solid recommendation for you.

Medieval Dynasty is a turn-based strategy game that’s creatively designed and expertly balanced so it’s challenging enough to keep you engaged while not being frustratingly difficult.

Developed by Andrea Testa, this unique title doesn’t feature flashy graphics. Instead, it requires extensive awareness and the creativity of your imagination.

Concept and Gameplay:

As someone who is used to iOS games being all about rich graphics and fast-paced gameplay, Medieval Dynasty is a refreshing experience.

Instead of being able to see everything you’re doing in a game in real time, you have to tap into your imagination in order to experience the game to its fullest.

Medieval Dynasty starts you off with a very in-depth tutorial so you can get a feel for how the game is supposed to work.

It’s a turn-based strategy where your decisions will have long term effects on the outcome of the game. The goal is to keep your kingdom stable for as long as possible while balancing the need for resources, political factions, and improvements in your kingdom.

Personally I think this is a fantastic game if you’re into strategy titles. Medieval Dynasty requires careful choices and informed decisions, so you really do have to concentrate on the big picture if you want to succeed.


Medieval Dynasty Game of Kings iPhone Game

Medieval Dynasty takes you through the Middle Ages from 476 AD to 1492 AD. This means that if you play wisely, your game can last for quite a long time. As someone who loves getting lost in games, this is a huge perk for me.

If you’re a fan of statistics, Medieval Dynasty provides a detailed overview of everything your kingdom has done since the start of your game. You can even compete against other players on the leaderboard to see who is the best medieval ruler.


Medieval Dynasty is available to download from the App Store for free. There are ads that will pop up occasionally, but not often enough to be annoying.

You do have the option of purchasing additional XP so you can use more resources, but I found that it’s not really necessary.

Overall, Medieval Dynasty is a wonderfully creative adventure game that requires imagination, forethought, and strategy.

If you’re looking to try something new, I definitely recommend giving this title a try.

Medieval Dynasty Game of Kings requires iOS 9.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.



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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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