Your Must-Have Apple Watch App During the Pandemic

Your Must-Have Apple Watch App During the Pandemic

January 02, 2021 by RSS Feed

Reviewed by Jimbo

Hopefully you’re wearing a mask when you’re around other people, and especially when that’s indoors. Hmmm, around other people and indoors? Sounds to me like that might be when food shopping, grocery shopping, or just about any kind of shopping that you might be doing.

If you like to stay on track by using a list app on your phone, and if that phone is an iPhone X or later, you have a problem. The issue is Face ID.

When you’re using an app that involves lots of checking and it’s on a Face ID phone and you’re wearing a mask, well, that’s not a great combo.

Our Groceries Shopping List is not only a fantastic shopping app on your iPhone but the way that it utilizes the Apple Watch as an alternate interface is brilliant and puts it over the top as a must-have app.

Concept and Functionality:

Any shopping app that’s worth a download will let you set up a variety of shopping lists. Then when you access a list you can add and remove items, simple. What sets Our Groceries apart is all the subtle features that make it indispensible in any situation where 2 or more people will want to work with the same list.

Our Groceries Shopping List, created by Our Groceries, Inc., lets you add images, use barcodes, and synch lists in the cloud so multiple people can see the latest version of the list. This is great when one person is going shopping and anyone else wants to add or remove items from the list at the same time.

Aside from the overall shopping functionality per se, the adaptation for Apple Watch use is a masterstroke of creativity. It is just dead simple to use on that tiny screen. Bravo devs on a great job!

A very nice feature recently added lets you know if a sync operation has not happened, for whatever reason, thus letting you know that you may not be working with the latest edits.


Our Groceries iPhone App

All of this is to say that Our Groceries is a top-notch shopping app on the iPhone or iPad. But what about using it on your Apple Watch and why does the pandemic matter? The issue, as already stated is all about how your iPhone unlocks. If you’re used to just looking at it to get past the lock screen you’re in for a huge inconvenience if you’re wearing a mask.

Of course for most apps where you start it up and then use it for awhile, typing in your passcode once is not a problem. With a shopping app, however, you’re constantly opening and closing the app whilst shopping. This is where having the app on your Apple Watch really shines.

As you walk around the supermarket, Home Depot, Trader Joe’s or whatever, just raise your wrist, touch the Our Groceries icon and voila, you’re into the app, seeing what’s next on the list, and easily crossing off items as you throw them into your wagon.


Our Groceries Shopping List is available for free from the App Store. You can upgrade to cloud sync, which is needed for family usage, for just $5.99/year.

Overall, Our Groceries is a beautiful example of how to leverage the Apple Watch to augment an already great app design using an incredibly well-designed watch UI.

Our Groceries requires iOS 10.0, WatchOS 4.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. 

TheiPhoneAppReview’s rating:

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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