Roblox is Setting the Internet on Fire

Roblox is Setting the Internet on Fire

March 21, 2021 by RSS Feed

Reviewed by Jimbo

The beauty of having cellular data and/or Wi-Fi access with you wherever you go is the fact that you can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world.

With the Internet constantly at your fingertips, you have the entire world in the palm of your hand 24 hours a day.

And now, with Roblox by Roblox Corporation, users may utilize this convenience to connect with gamers and developers around the globe.

Roblox is enormously popular, with over 115M users as of Jan 2021, and has usurped Minecraft as the game-du-jour and as such it has attracted the interest of kids, and concern of parents, all over the world.

It isn’t a game as much as it is an environment. Essentially, kids create an avatar and can also easily create games that they then invite their friends to play as well as play games that others have created. They also wander around exploring and interacting with others in a virtual immersive 3D world. All of this is incredibly fun and addicting hence the enormous success of this app.

Players start out with a modest amount of game money so they can rent a house and get their online existence going. Outfitting your home requires real-world money, however, and it ain’t cheap.

It’s an incredibly well done environment and the whole experience is difficult to quickly describe since it is so varied.

No matter which game you decide to play, or if you just roam around exploring, the controls and visuals have been meticulously crafted to make the whole time you in the Roblox world quite enjoyable.

One game on the platform, Royale High, is a fantasy school role-playing and dress-up game that has been played over 5 billion times!

Since games on Roblox are typically played amongst existing friends, as well as new fast friends who get to know each other via their avatars, there is a good amount of pressure to keep upgrading various aspects of your online persona.

The other key to this game is the aforementioned ability to meet new players. This is done by wondering around and chatting it up with other avatars that you run into. The issue here is that the interactions are unmoderated and since you’re meeting an avatar, the actual person you’re talking to can be anyone of any gender and any age with any agenda.

Roblox iPhone Game

Of course this is largely benign and the players have a great time but the costs and interactions are two areas where some oversight is needed.

It’s important to note that these issues are not peculiar to Roblox as all online connections tend to be anonymous and hidden costs add up fast with many games (did someone say Candy Crush?).

The good news here is that while some abuses are inevitable with a platform such as this, there are some privacy options. For example, parents can use controls that make sure younger players can only chat with their friends.

Overall Roblox is not only an incredibly well crafted gaming environment but it is also a glimpse of the future where more and more time is spent in virtual worlds and anyone can be not just a player, but also a creator.

Roblox requires iOS 13.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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