Apple Details how the App Store’s Search Ads Will Work

Apple Details how the App Store’s Search Ads Will Work

June 08, 2016 by macjeff

App Store Apps

Earlier today, Apple officially announced some major changes coming to the App Store, including new ads that will be present when users search for content.

That particular new feature is called Search Ads, and, after its unveiling, Apple has gone ahead and published a dedicated App Store developer page that details how the new features will work. On the surface level, Search Ads is a quick way for developers to promote their work within the digital storefront, but that’s different than what people would see in a standard search result.

Apple outlines several different areas, including highlighting that 65 percent of all downloads within the App Store come directly from searches made within. Apple also says the new system is a “more efficient use of an advertising budget,” pointing out that developers will only pay anything when a user taps on their ad. There’s an auction system in place, too, which Apple says will guarantee developers pay a fair market price.

And, of course, Apple’s still focused on privacy, too.

“Search Ads is an efficient and easy way for you to promote your app within the U.S. App Store search results, helping people discover or reengage with your app at the very moment they are searching for apps like yours. Designed to give users a safe search experience, Search Ads sets a new standard for delivering relevant ads while respecting user privacy.”

Search Ads within the App Store is going to launch in a beta form beginning Monday, June 13, and Apple plans on fully launching it sometime this fall. Search Ads will launch alongside the other new App Store features, including changes to the subscription model, and more.

[via Apple]

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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