Top 10 iMessage Apps for Messages in iOS 10

Top 10 iMessage Apps for Messages in iOS 10

September 13, 2016 by macjeff


The next app revolution is here. Ok it’s nowhere near as big as the App Store itself, but the iMessage App Store in iOS 10 is already seeing some very innovative apps, that run inside the keyboard in an iMessage conversation. But not all the apps available on day one are worth your attention. We tell you about the top 10 iMessage apps you should check out.

Read: To know how to actually install and use iMessage apps in iOS 10, check out our guide first.

1. Do With Me


Do With Me is a really good collaborative list app for messages. Here, using the iMessage app you can create shared lists, share list items and more, all in the iMessage window.

Download: Do With Me

2. Drafts 4


If you’re a pro user who uses the Drafts app a lot. You’re going to really like the new Messages app. It’s so simple. Just switch to the app and you’ll see previews of all your recent notes there. Tap on an note and it will be pasted in the text box that you can send along. There’s no Drafts branding, nothing. Simple and awesome.

Download: Drafts 4 ($4.99)

3. Scanbot

Another top pick for pro users. Scanbot’s iMessage app makes it really easy to scan a piece of paper, enhance it so everything reads much better, and send it to someone. All without ever opening the app.

Download: Scanbot

4. Genius


Genius app is great for learning the meaning behind lyrics. Their iMessage app lets you take a quote from a song, attach a photo and send it along in the conversation.

Download: Genius

5. Snappy Browser


Snappy Browser integrates an entire web browser inside the iMessage keyboard window. You can quickly search for a page and paste that link in the conversation. You can also select some text from the web page to send it along.

Download: Snappy Browser ($0.99)

6. xoxo


Tic Tac Toe is such a simple game, yet fun. And xoxo will let you play the game with your friend using Messages. Select your tile, send it along, and then wait for your turn.

Download: xoxo

7. Cipher


Cipher is an app for sending secret messages, but with a twist. Instead of you creating a code and then sending that code along to someone as well (which is kind of stupid when you think about it), Cipher uses TouchID to authenticate.

The message will only be visible to the other person when they scan their fingerprints. So this ensures that only the person to use the phone will read the message.

Download: Cipher

8. Words With Friends


This is the one iOS app that just won’t die. And aren’t you glad about that? This Messages avatar of Words With Friends lets you play the Scrabble style word game inside Messages app. It’s simple, you put in a word, the other person puts in a word. Ultimately one of you wins.

Download: Words With Friends

9. I’m In


This is a pretty cool app for deciding where to go and when, with your friends. The app lets you put it up as a question, and everyone in the group chat can decide the time and the place. No more annoying calls to 10 people every Friday night.

Download: I’m In

10. ESPN


Using the ESPN app, you can share scores for live events and highlights with your friends, without ever leaving the Messages app.

Download: ESPN

Your Favorite iMessage Apps

There are so many iMessage apps coming out today, I’m sure we missed a lot of good ones. Square’s Cash app comes to mind. Also Yelp and OpenTable.

What’s your favorite new iMessage app? Share with us in the comments below.

Source link:

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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