Nintendo announces Super Mario Run coming to App Store in time for holidays

Nintendo announces Super Mario Run coming to App Store in time for holidays

September 07, 2016 by macjeff

Shigeru Miyamoto, the world-renowned Japanese video game designer, producer and the creator of the Mario Bros series, announced no stage at Apple’s event today that the Mario Bros series is coming first to iOS devices exclusively in the form of a new game, called Super Mario Run. The game implements a one-handed mode involving tap-based controls allowing your character to jump, change Mario’s direction and so forth. The goal is simple: collect as many coins as you can and proceed to the next level. There’s also a new battle mode, called Toad Rally, allowing you to beat other players’ high scores. Of course, coins you collect throughout the game can be used to advance and upgrade your environment. The best thing about Super Marion Run is that they’re planning on releasing the game at a set price, no In-App Purchases whatsoever. Plus, they’ve prepared a set of downloadable Super Mario stickers for iOS 10’s Messages app that will hit the App Store when iOS 10 releases for public consumption. We’ll have more on this game when it launches on the App Store in time for the holidays. Source link:

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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