If Your Mac is Lost or Stolen Track My Mac is Your Best Friend

If Your Mac is Lost or Stolen Track My Mac is Your Best Friend

May 31, 2016 by macjeff

Track My Mac iPhone App

Track My Mac iPhone App

When the unthinkable happens and you realize your Mac is not where is should be, you don’t have to panic if you’re prepared.

Track My Mac is the ideal solution for anyone who values their MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.


Track My Mac from MacKeeper developers and Kromtech Alliance Corp., goes well beyond the capabilities of the standard “Find My Mac” from Apple. Sure that functionality works, but this is a leap beyond.

Setting it up is a trivial exercise; you download the app to your iPhone and download the Mac application from MacKeeper which includes a built-in Anti-Theft tool.

Once you’ve done that you simply authorize your Track My Mac, turn on the Location Tracker and set up the lock screen. We do want to point out though that the complete process also requires you to go to the Anti-Theft tab in MacKeeper and click “Install Anti-Theft” on its Welcome Screen.

Track My Mac iPhone App

Track My Mac iPhone App

At this point you’re good to go and you will be able to see where your Mac was last located (it’s up-to-date location) and, if necessary, waste no time in reporting your Mac as stolen directly from your iPhone, and protect your Mac from unauthorized access attempts.


An app like this cannot be a “sometimes” app, it needs to work reliably and consistently. In fact, in our extensive testing we found this app to be just that; reliable and consistent.

We were very impressed with the app’s ability to generate its Anti-Theft Location Report along with an iSight photo of whoever is directly in front of the Mac’s camera (presumably the thief) and send it directly to your iPhone.

Furthermore, in the event that someone is trying to gain access to your precious Mac when the screen is locked without knowing the password, when they enter an incorrect password you will receive a Lock Screen Location Report with an iSight photo of the intruder directly to your iPhone.

Overall Value:

We wish this app could somehow get the Mac to a FedEx box and ship it back to you but we’re still impressed with it. It’s an extremely easy-to-use app and does exactly what it says it will. We found it to be a step above the facility provided by Apple and well worth the minimal effort required to add it to your devices.

Plus, the fact that you can use it with an unlimited number of Macs makes it incredibly useful in any type of group, business, or school situation.

Do we wish this app had a PC counterpart? Oh yeah, we do. Afterall there are some weirdos out there who use an iPhone with a PC (can you believe it?).

But seriously, for anyone who has shelled out their hard earned bucks for a MacBook, you would be well served to use Track My Mac.

trackmac-qrTrack My Mac requires iOS 8.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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