June 19, 2016 by macjeff
Apple seeded the first version of iOS 10 beta few days back which includes several cool features and improvements. There is a lot of excitement whenever Apple unveils a major iOS version, so it is quite understandable that the natural instinct to install iOS 10 beta.
If you’ve installed iOS 10 beta, but want to downgrade back to iOS 9.3.2 or the latest version, because you found it too buggy then we’ve covered. Downgrading from iOS 10 beta to iOS 9.3.2 is quite easy, despite Apple’s warning which states that you cannot downgrade back to earlier versions of iOS.
Note: If you’re downloading the firmware file using Safari then ensure that auto unzip feature is disabled or use Chrome or Firefox. Alternatively, renaming the .zip file as .ipsw file should also work.
That’s it. Your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch should now be successfully downgraded from iOS 10 beta to iOS 9.3.2.
If you get the error message “This device isn’t eligible for the requested build” then it is probably because you’ve downloaded the wrong firmware file for your device.
Please don’t forget to let us know how it goes in the comments and drop us a line if you any questions.
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