How To Disable Lock Screen Widgets in iOS 10

How To Disable Lock Screen Widgets in iOS 10

July 22, 2016 by macjeff

ios 10 lockscreen ipad 3

The biggest addition to iOS 10 are all the changes to the Lock screen and Notifications. The slide to unlock gesture is gone. You click the home button to unlock instead. Plus, there’s a whole new screen to the left – the Today view that contains all the widgets. You can access it simply by swiping left on the lock screen.

But this also means that you can accidentally bring up the widgets if you miss-swipe. If for some reason you want to remove the Today screen from the lock screen, and the widgets, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to Touch ID and Passcode

lockscreen widgets ios 10

Open the “Settings” app in iOS 10 and go to “Touch ID and Passcode”. To authenticate, type in the passcode.

Step 2: Disable Today Toggle

Once you’re in, from the “Allow access when locked” toggle the “Today” option.

lockscreen widgets 2 ios 10

This will disable the lock screen widget.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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