Hear, Here – Learn English Homophones Is Perfect for Adults and Kids Alike

Hear, Here – Learn English Homophones Is Perfect for Adults and Kids Alike

November 29, 2016 by macjeff

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Reviewed by Sarah Hanlon

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, but only if you don’t use all of the tools available to you.

Hear, Here – Learn English Homophones is a terrific new app that turns learning English homophones into a game.

It allows you to learn how to distinguish between homophones like air and heir, knight and night, and more.

Concept and Functionality:

Hear, Here, a free app by Jorge Negrotti, is a fun matching game that will definitely help you hone your homophone skills. Unlike other educational games that tend to be boring, this helpful app will teach you to associate homophones both audibly and visually.

Perhaps the best thing about Hear, Here is that there isn’t a learning curve. You don’t have to worry about being incredibly proficient in English in order to play the game.

Even if English is your native language, Hear, Here is a great way to practice homophone recognition so you can sharpen your skills. It’s also a great game for kids who are studying homophones.


here hear iphone app review ss2

hear, here – Learn English Homophones iPhone App

No game is complete without achievements or goals. Hear, Here is no exception, and one of the things I really like about the game is that you progressively unlock new words.

There are a total of 300 homophones that you can study. You can even unlock in-game achievements, though it seems that these aren’t integrated with Game Center.

If you’re concerned about forgetting what you’ve learned, Hear, Here includes a very helpful album where you can go back and study homophones you unlocked. You can tap on them in the menu and hear the spoken version of the word, as well as similar sounding words.


Hear, Here is available to download from the App Store for free and is designed for iPhone. If you happen to find that the app is a helpful learning tool that’s also fun to play, you can optionally unlock an additional 300 words for $1.99.

Personally I think this is a small price to pay for helpful game that makes language learning fun.

I highly recommend giving Hear, Here a try because it’s perfect for both native English speakers as well as those who are learning English as an additional language.

Hear, Here – Learn English Homophoneshear_here.jpg requires iOS 8.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

TheiPhoneAppReview’s rating:

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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