Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 12/13/2016

Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 12/13/2016

December 13, 2016 by macjeff

Context Camera - Stamp & Annotate Photos with Info , Star Wars™ Pinball 4 , Goat Simulator and more


Context Camera - Stamp & Annotate Photos with Info ( $FREE → Free ) Cascode Labs Pty Ltd Context Camera will help ensure you always know where, when, and why a photo was taken. You’re able to determine what information you would like to be included, like location, date, time, and direction, and all of it will be placed over the top of the photo. You’re also able to draw arrows, rectangles, ellipses, and lines to add even more context.

Star Wars™ Pinball 4 ( $FREE → Free ) ZEN Studios Ltd. You're able to join the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance and battle with your friends for leaderboard dominance. Launch your ball onto the table by pulling back on and releasing your finger from the lightsaber. Tap each side of the screen to control your flippers. The table features multiple camera angles to choose from, and quotes and music pulled right from The Empire Strikes Back. Multiple additional themed tables are available via in-app purchase.

Goat Simulator ( $FREE → Free ) Coffee Stain Studios Have you ever wanted to be a goat? The thought most likely never crossed your mind, but it’s surprisingly entertaining. Take control of a goat and run around doing whatever you please. You’re able to run, jump, lick stuff, ram stuff, and just tip over. The best part is, you’re rewarded for all of it! Your misadventures can also be recorded and shared with the world.

Sleep Bug Pro: White Noise Soundscapes & Music Box ( $FREE → Free ) Arnt-Henning Moberg You're able to select from 24 different active scenes. Each one features a realistic background sound along with a handful of additional sound effects that can be toggled on and off at any time. The app also includes a sleep timer, and a 24-hour clock option.

Implosion - Never Lose Hope ( $FREE → Free ) Rayark International Limited Earth has fallen. Only remnants of the human race remain. You and your War-Mech battle suit are the last bastions of hope. You’re able to move around the beautifully rendered 3-D environments using an on-screen joystick. Buttons on the right side of the screen allow you to dash away from your opponents and land crushing blows. A vast arsenal of high-tech weaponry is available at your disposal, which can be upgraded as you progress.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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