Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 12/03/2016

Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 12/03/2016

December 03, 2016 by macjeff

Slip Away Mystify , Sneezies HD , MathStudio Express - Symbolic graphing calculator for algebra, calculus and statistics and more


Sneezies HD ( $2.99 → Free ) Retro Dreamer The cute little Sneezies are trapped in bubbles floating aimlessly through the air. The only way to free them is with a sneeze. Touch the screen to drop sneezing powder near any of the Sneezies on the screen. They’ll huff, puff, and sneeze their way right out of their bubbles, causing a chain reaction when others are near. The only way to move on to the next level is to free the target number, so be patient and plan your tap. The game includes 60 levels.


Slip Away Mystify ( $2.99 → Free ) Nanovation Slip Away Mystify will put your reflexes to the test. You’re in control of a slippery squid. You must swish and swirl your way through the labyrinths with left and right taps. Touch anything, even a single wall, and it’s game over for you. Try to collect as many gems as possible along your journey in order to unlock new characters and the ability to skip nearly impossible levels. The game includes 50 levels in all.

MathStudio Express - Symbolic graphing calculator for algebra, calculus and statistics ( $3.99 → Free ) Pomegranate Apps MathStudio Express is the most versatile calculator you’ll find in the App Store. It’s a full-featured scientific calculator with over 200 functions. It allows you to perform everything from basic calculations to college calculus in a snap thanks to its unique interface. You’re able to access the app’s multiple keyboards with a swipe, and graph 2-D and 3-D equations in real-time with just a tap. The app also includes time graphing, plot lists, and even support for scripting.

Rogue Star ( $2.99 → Free ) RedBreast Studio The moment you launch your ship you’ll realize that anything goes in Rogue Star. You’re able to take on missions, sell and bid on materials, and engage in epic dogfights. The only rule is that there are no rules in space. Whichever tasks you decide to take on, completing them will earn you credits that can be spent to purchase new ships or cargo. Space is one big sandbox, so go explore!

MarcoPolo Weather ( $2.99 → Free ) MarcoPolo Learning, Inc. MarcoPolo Weather is all about learning through experimentation. Weather controls allow your child to completely change the atmospheric conditions, and then watch as a new experience unfolds. They’re able to choose from nine conditions, four wind speeds, adjust the temperature, and interact with three wacky characters as they respond to what your child has done. The app also includes the ability to add objects to their scene, and play three different mini-games.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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