October 16, 2016 by macjeff
Alarmy guarantees you will get out of bed every single morning. You’re able to setup multiple recurring alarms with different ringtone sounds, snooze rules, and labels. Alarmy includes three different wakeup methods: Take a Picture, Shake, and Math Problems. The first method requires you to take a picture of something away from your bed and, in order to disable the alarm in the morning, you’ll have to take a picture of it again. The second requires you to shake your device a number of times. The third method requires you to solve a number of complicated math problems. One way or another, you’re getting out of bed.
ParkIt is not only useful, it’s remarkably easy to use. Whenever you step out of the car, simply tap the big green “ParkIt” button to mark your location. You’re able to attach a note and a photo if you like to make it easier to spot your vehicle. If you have an Apple Watch, you don’t even need to take your iPhone out of your pocket to mark your location. Just tap your wrist. When it’s time to head back home, ParkIt will provide you with the fastest route back to your vehicle. The app also includes the ability to record parking meter expiration times.
The moment you launch your ship you’ll realize that anything goes in Rogue Star. You’re able to take on missions, sell and bid on materials, and engage in epic dogfights. The only rule is that there are no rules in space. Whichever tasks you decide to take on, completing them will earn you credits that can be spent to purchase new ships or cargo. Space is one big sandbox, so go explore!
Yum-Yum Numbers has your child learning to write and count numbers with a funny crab, juicy caterpillar, smiling snowflake, and fluffy spider. Each mini-game requires them to tap to count while hearing the numbers pronounced. They’ll then be tasked with tracing the number before writing it freehand. After completing a series of numbers, your child will earn a fun reward based on the chosen character. The app also includes an easy mode for beginners, detailed progress reports, and support for up to 30 profiles.
Your child gets to be a doctor for the day. The waiting room is full of patients with unique ailments who require your child’s attention. They’ll get to perform a series of operations like putting bones back in place, pulling dancing worms out of wounds, and much more all while building more than 200 verbs.
Raptor Cop stickers pack some bite. You’ll be able to find stickers for just about every occasion, ranging from Raptor Cop showing authority to expressing his love to feeling sick. The app includes 40 stickers in all.
Source link: http://appadvice.com/apps-gone-free
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