Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 08/01/2016

Free Apps to Download TODAY ONLY 08/01/2016

August 01, 2016 by macjeff

Grammar Wonderland (Elementary) , Army Antz™ , Word Wonderland (Elementary) Full and more


Army Antz™ ( $0.99 → FREE )

Your mission is to clear the way to the enemy’s lair and take down the queen before they’re able to do the same to you. Army Antz allows you to choose from 13 types of Antz, each with its own class of weapon. You only get five, however, so choose wisely. While in battle you’re able to move each ant separately with a tap, and you can unleash support items when the going gets tough. The game includes 19 arenas, four difficulty levels, and same-device multiplayer on iPad.

PixelWakker ( $2.99 → FREE )

PixelWakker allows you to import any photo from your library or capture a new one from within the app. You can then choose from 20 different pixel art effects. You’re able to independently adjust the frequency and intensity of each effect via sliders. Your final creations can be saved or shared via your favorite social networks.

Grammar Wonderland (Elementary) ( $2.99 → FREE )

They're able to practice using nouns, verbs, and adjectives by flying planes, feeding bears, and tossing jars. The app includes four worlds to explore with multiple challenges in each, the ability to practice all of the skills separately, four difficulty levels, and support for multiple profiles.

Word Wonderland (Elementary) Full ( $1.99 → FREE )

A friendly astronaut crab needs help navigating the space station. Your child is able to help him by hopping, eating, and shaking their way through word sort challenges including roots, vowels, and inflectional endings. The app includes four difficulty levels, the ability to practice skills separately, and support for multiple profiles.

Grammar Wonderland (Primary) ( $2.99 → FREE )

They're able to practice using nouns, verbs, and adjectives by swimming, feeding chameleons, and tossing crackers at parrots. The app includes three worlds to explore with multiple challenges in each, the ability to practice all of the skills separately, four difficulty levels, and support for multiple profiles.

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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