Facebook launches standalone Events for iPhone app

Facebook launches standalone Events for iPhone app

October 10, 2016 by macjeff

Events, one of the more popular features on Facebook, this past weekend received its own standalone app that could replace Eventbrite, Sunrise, Fantastical and other calendar software on your iPhone.

Events for iPhone, a free download from the App Store, lets you RSVP to your friends’ events, find interesting things to do in your area that match your interests, manage your calendar and more.

Other features of Events include the ability to see your latest events activity and quickly get to event info, check out events your friends have recently responded to, receive updates from hosts among other features.

You can search for nearby events using an interactive map and filter based on time and event category and get event recommendations based on what’s popular with your friends, things you’ve been to in the past and Pages you like.

Of course, the app works seamlessly with Facebook and integrates with existing calendars from your device, allowing you to see all of your plans in one place right alongside your Facebook events.

Because it integrates with Facebook Events, your friends will see what you’re interested in and what you’ve invited them to, even if they don’t have the app, right on Facebook.

An Android edition of Events will be coming soon, promised the firm.

The app is currently limited to United States users, but you can work around this restriction by setting your device’s regional settings to “United States”. You will also need to create a US App Store account to download the app.

Grab Facebook Events at no charge from the App Store.

Source: Facebook

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from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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