November 17, 2016 by macjeff
Apple on Thursday updated its App of the Week promotion with the app Tayasui Sketches Pro. This means that for the next 7 days, you’ll be able to download the popular drawing app for free—a significant savings of $5.
Sketches is described as the most realistic, versatile and user-friendly sketching app designed for mobile. This artist’s toolbox helps users create dazzling sketches, cheerful paintings and smashing illustrations on the go.
From the App Store Editors’ Notes:
Sketches Pro? It’s just like the Tayasui Sketches app we’re so enamored with… except it comes with layers, extra tools, and all sorts of expert features. If you’re a serious artist—or a longtime doodler like us—you can’t do better than Tayasui.
And here is a video showing the app in action:
Tayasui Sketches Pro is available for both iPhone and iPad for free.
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