Apple’s free app of the week: Super Arc Light

Apple’s free app of the week: Super Arc Light

July 21, 2016 by macjeff

Apple on Thursday updated its App of the Week promotion with the game Super Arc Light. This means that for the next 7 days you’ll be able to pick up the popular arcade shooter for free on both iPhone and iPad—a solid savings of $2.

For those who haven’t played Super Arc Light, it’s a minimalistic radial shooter, in which you must defend your base to the death against waves of challenging enemies. The developer describes it as Super Hexagon meets Geometry Wars.

From the App Store Editors’ Notes:

The more we play this ingenious arcade shooter, the more it blows us away. Revolving back and forth along a circular track, blasting ships before they reach your base, seems pretty simple at first. But the brilliant one-touch control scheme—where firing also changes your direction—adds a deeply compelling wrinkle. When everything clicks and you’re timing your shots just right, it’s absolutely exhilarating. And the catchy soundtrack, gorgeous minimalism, and prevailing sense of polish just make the quest for high scores that much better.

And here is a clip of the game in action:


Super Arc Light is available in the App Store for free.

Source link:

from : Mid Atlantic Consulting, Inc.

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