July 01, 2016 by macjeff
Apple on Thursday updated its App of the Week promotion with the game Mimpi Dreams. This means that for the next 7 days, you’ll be able to download the critically-acclaimed puzzle-platformer for free on both iPhone and iPad—a solid savings of $2.
Mimpi is a lazy dog who likes to take naps and dream about being a super hero. Players are tasked with helping him save his friends by solving puzzles and manipulating environmental objects as they work their way through originally-illustrated levels.
From the App Store Editors’ Notes:
They say don’t wake sleeping dogs, but poor Mimpi has been having some very weird dreams. From laboratories to forests to dangerous, debris-strewn waters, the only similarity between Mimpi’s dreamscapes is how fun they are to navigate. Each stage is filled with puzzles to solve and environmental objects to fiddle with. You’ll knock down power lines, steer clouds, push suitcases, and (of course!) collect bones on your exhilarating journey through dreamlands.
And here’s a video of the game in action:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyWwNjaxbGI?feature=oembed&w=500&h=375]
Mimpi Dreams is available in the App Store for free.
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