
Pinball Meets Tron in PinOut! From Mediocre

November 08, 2016 by macjeff

Pinball Meets Tron in PinOut! From Mediocre

PinOut! (Free) by Mediocre AB is the latest new game from the guys who brought you Smash Hit, Does Not Commute, and Dirac. If you’re a fan of their amazing style and challenging games, and also have a love for pinball, then PinOut! is one that you do not want to miss out on.

When I was a kid, one thing I absolutely loved was pinball. I remember I got some kind of pinball machine toys as gifts from my siblings for one Christmas, and I spent hours on that one Space Cadet Pinball game on Windows PCs back in the day. And whenever I was able to hit up the arcade or somewhere with an entertainment area, I always looked for the pinball machines. I don’t know what it is, but something about pinball just hooked me as a kid, and it still does today, though it has to be a good hook. As a big fan of what Mediocre has done in the past, especially with Smash Hit, I was excited when I heard that they were coming out with another title, this time involving pinball. So here we have PinOut!, and it’s one that will make any pinball fan happy.

Pinball Meets Tron in PinOut! From Mediocre

Visually, Mediocre knocked it out of the park with PinOut!, as it features gorgeous, Tron-like graphics that make me feel like I’m playing the pinball machine of the future, which technically, I kind of am. The pinball table features dark, glossy surfaces and bright neon lights that make you feel like you’re in The Grid itself. The pinball table also has various ramps, bumpers, and even some hidden mini-games that you can enter and play, giving the game a bit more variety than just pinball. PinOut! also features a groovy, techno synth soundtrack that dynamically changes as you reach new table sections, and the sound effects are fun and futuristic.

Like their previous games, PinOut! is one long, continuous journey. There is only one game mode, and the goal is to race against time and see how far along in the long pinball table you can get. You start off with 60 seconds on the clock, but as you play, you can collect the glowing orbs to earn extra time. Since the game is a continuous journey, you want to aim to get the ball on the proper ramp paths that move you to the next sector of the table. This can be harder than it looks, especially as you make it further along and encounter various obstacles like moving walls, blocked off areas, bumpers, launchers, and more. Along the way, you’ll also find tokens for mini-games that can net you extra time on the clock, and there are power-up orbs that give you two randomized options, such as Time Freeze, Slow Motion, or only have the clock run down when the ball is in movement.

The controls in PinOut! are incredibly simple and intuitive. All you have to do is just tap on the left or right side of the screen to activate the flipper that you want to use. As you make your way through the pinball table, you’ll have to pay attention to where the flippers are, because once you reach the next section of the pinball machine, there may just be one flipper tucked away, or the positioning may be different. It’s important to give the game your full attention, because otherwise you may miss the ball and fall back a few sections, which means wasting precious time.

Pinball Meets Tron in PinOut! From Mediocre

Once the clock runs out, then that’s it. The game is a test to see just how far you can manage to make it for each run. The initial free download means that you will have to start from the very beginning on each new run, but if you opt for the $1.99 premium unlock, you’ll be able to continue from checkpoints, which are the starting points of the next pinball table that you reach. Personally, I’ve loved all of Mediocre’s games lately, so no doubt I will be glad to pony up the two dollars to start from reached checkpoints. The game is just downright fun, though some may think it’s a bit repetitive.

Overall, I’ve been playing PinOut! over the last few days and enjoying it rather thoroughly. The graphics are stunning to look at and are nice and sharp on Retina screens. The unique techno synth tunes for each table are awesome to the ears, and the controls are simple and intuitive. The only improvement that could be made to the game are even more pinball table designs added in a future update, so that the content can stay fresh and interesting. Overall, though, I am pleased with another Mediocre AB title to add to my collection.

If you are a fan of pinball and enjoy the work of Mediocre, then you should check out PinOut! for yourself. You can find PinOut! on the App Store as a universal download for the iPhone and iPad for free. There is a one-time in-app purchase of $1.99 to continue from checkpoints.

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Bollocks! Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is Jolly Good Fun

November 08, 2016 by macjeff

Bollocks! Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is Jolly Good Fun

Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator ($1.99) by Gambitious Digital Entertainment is the follow-up to the developer’s original insult battle game, Oh…Sir! (Free), which came out last year. The original Oh…Sir! only had local multiplayer mode, so if you want more, then the sequel takes the original concept and expands on it greatly. If you love British-themed insults and arguments, then Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is a game that will be right up your alley.

Since I come from an Asian family, I honestly did not have much experience with anything that originated from Britain as I was growing up. However, once I got my first job and became friends with my coworkers, I began to expand my horizons in terms of the things I knew about the world. I got into music and one of my favorite bands is from Britain (Muse), and later on I discovered great British television like Doctor Who, and talent like Gordon Ramsay. Ever since then, I’ve grown to love the British as a whole, as well as their fine cuisine and rich cultural history (always something to learn). I also find English arguments to be rather hilarious, such as this one between Gordon Ramsay and a chef (some language is NSFW). Naturally, when I saw Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator on the App Store, I had to stop everything I was doing and check it out for myself. Needless to say, I’m not disappointed by what this game offers.

Bollocks! Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is Jolly Good Fun

Visually, Insult Simulator features a retro aesthetic thanks to the stylish pixel-art graphics. The characters feature a unique, jagged patterns that give them more depth, thanks to the shadows. They all have their own distinctive appearance as well, complete with fashionable British garb. Colors in The Insult Simulator range from bright vivid hues to darker, gloomier tones, but no matter what you’re looking at, there is a good balance of contrast with all of the visuals. All of the character models are bouncing with personality and charm, and each of them have their own voice acting, which is incredibly well done. Animations are smooth and fluid, so I had no issues with lag or choppiness on my iPhone 7. The game has a fun and patriotic tune in the background, and each scenario has its own musical track as well. And to top things off, the sound effects as you land mighty insults are just downright fun to hear.

There are two modes that you can play in Insult Simulator: Insult CPU or Insult a Human. If you choose to go against the CPU, you can go with the Instant Argument or Tournament mode, and for beginners, there is a tutorial that shows you the ropes. If you prefer to play against a human, you can go either locally (same device) or online through Game Center. But regardless of how you choose to play the game, the objective remains the same: an argument ensues between your protagonist and another British character, and to settle the argument, you engage in a fight of words by slinging insults at each other. The first one to knock the opponent’s hit points (the bar above them) to zero wins the argument.

So how do you play The Insult Simulator? Before you start, make sure to choose your favorite character as your protagonist — you start off with three, but more become available as you play and unlock them. Then you pick your scenario, or if you’re in Tournament, you’ll have to go through five scenes in succession. Each scenario takes place in a chosen setting, such as The Pet Shop, Train, or even The Afterlife. Your protagonist encounters another Brit and the conversation plays out, resulting in some kind of disagreement between the two. Now that you’ve engaged in the argument, the only way to settle it is through clever wit and insults.

Bollocks! Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is Jolly Good Fun

For the insults, each player takes a turn picking a word from the pool. The pool consists of nouns, verbs, phrases, and conjunctions. You also have two extra options in your “hand” that you can use if nothing good is left in the pool, and you can tap on the “sip tea” button to discard those two cards and get two new ones, though this can only be used once per turn. Your job is to construct a full sentence out of these words that also serves as an insult to your opponent. Once you are satisfied with your insult and feel like nothing can add to it, just tap on the “!” button. Your turn also ends automatically if you use words that end in an “!,” so make sure to use them wisely. If your sentence combination is not grammatically correct, you lose a few health points and that card can’t be used again.

Insults are scored by how insulting they are, but don’t make it so ridiculous or weird because you won’t get as many points if it is too implausible. You get bonuses for insulting the opponent’s family, age, or even country, and using the cards that end with “!” can net you some bonuses like style. And the longer and more elaborate your insult is, the better chances you have of dishing out a “combo” and doing more damage to your foe.

I only managed to start playing Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator this morning while having my coffee, but it’s becoming one of my favorite new word games lately. I’ve laughed more during one round of The Insult Simulator than many other games I’ve played through, and it’s definitely a great game to play with friends as well. Plus, the graphics and music are delightful, and all of the characters have their own charming traits and wit. Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is one of the better games I’ve tried recently, and this will be staying on my device for a while, especially when I need a good laugh.

I recommend checking out Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator if you’re a fan of British themes and want to try your hand at cleverly insulting your way to victory in an argument. You can find Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator on the App Store as a universal download for just $1.99. There are no in-app purchases. You can also grab it on Steam for your PC, Mac, or Linux machine for 10 percent off until Nov. 1.

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Master the Bow and Arrow in Vikings: an Archer’s Journey

November 08, 2016 by macjeff

Master the Bow and Arrow in Vikings: an Archer’s Journey

Vikings: an Archer's Journey ($2.99) by Pinpin Team is an endless runner that brings archery into the mix. If you enjoyed other minimalistic infinite runner games like Alto’s Adventure and the like, but want to feel like an awesome archer at the same time, then Vikings: an Archer’s Journey is the game for you. It’s pretty much what Temple Run: Brave should have been.

When the App Store first came out in 2008, I remember endless runner games being all the rage back then, but they’ve slowly dissipated over the years. And even though we’ve had a saturation of these games over time, there have only been a few standout ones, such as Canabalt, Temple Run, Ski Safari, and Alto’s Adventure, to name a few. But most of these still just had one core game mechanic in it, which was to just jump and avoid obstacles, and let’s face it — that can still get a bit boring after a while. But what about when an endless runner combines the precise art of archery? Well, that’s what Vikings is, and I was instantly drawn to it. Over the past few years, I’ve developed a liking for archery (thanks to certain movies and games), though I never tried it in real life yet, so naturally, I had to try Vikings myself. Needless to say, if you’re into runners, vikings, Norse mythology, and archery, then you’re in for a treat with this game.

Master the Bow and Arrow in Vikings: an Archer’s Journey

Visually speaking, Vikings is a stunningly gorgeous game. It has a minimalistic aesthetic that reminds me strongly of Alto’s Adventure, except this game is filled with snow, vikings, and evil demons from Norse mythology. The game retains a flat look and feel for the most part, but the dynamic lighting, backdrops, and even the glowing effects give the game a layer of depth that works. Despite the minimalism, I felt that everything was fairly detailed for the art style, and the colors are beautiful as they range from soft pastels to bolder, more vibrant hues as time passes. Animations are buttery smooth in the game, and I experienced no lag on my iPhone 7. The game also has a rather whimsical and ambient soundtrack that is delightful to listen to, and it definitely immerses you into the Nordic setting of Helheim. Overall, I am in love with the visual and audio style that the developers have come up with here.

Even though the game is an infinite runner at heart, the developers have implemented a story to go along with the action. Players will take control of Nott, a Valkyrie that has incurred the wrath of Nordic gods, and her punishment is having her loyal wolf, Oder, sent to the Underworld in a dwelling of the deceased, also known as Helheim. So Nott gathers up her crew and sets out on a journey to recover her faithful companion. As an endless runner, there is only one game mode to play, but since it’s also combined with a “shoot ‘em up” game mechanic, things get interesting and challenging pretty quickly. Plus, each run is procedurally generated, so it’s never the same thing twice.

Controls in Vikings are easy to learn because it’s rather intuitive, but hard to master. Like all infinite runners, your character will be running forward automatically, so you don’t have to worry about that. What you do have to worry about, though, is avoiding obstacles like spikes and gaps in front of you, and to do that, just tap on the right half of the screen to jump. For the archery part, just touch-and-drag on the left half of the screen to aim your bow and arrow, and then release to shoot. It’s similar to the Angry Birds-style slingshot aiming, but can get a bit more complicated since you’re also moving at the same time. As I mentioned, the controls are easy when you look at them separately, but when you have to use both while you’re in motion, it can be a bit hectic as you get further along in the game.

While Nott starts out with a standard, single arrow shot, the game does provide various power-up runes that are easily noticeable — they’re brightly colored stones with glowing symbols on them. To collect these, just have your character run into it, and the power-up is yours to use, though it’s only for a brief amount of time, so use it wisely. The power-ups include formidable boosts like Bullet Time, Multi Arrows, Explosive Arrows, and more.

Master the Bow and Arrow in Vikings: an Archer’s Journey

You can get a score multiplier if you manage to rack up a combo of successive kills, and if you can max it out, you’ll go into the almighty Fury mode, unleashing your rage upon your foes. The game also has objectives (shown at the start of each run) that you’ll want to complete, because the more goals you accomplish, the closer you are to unlocking another member of Nott’s crew to use in battle. Since there is no other way to unlock these characters to call upon their aid in battle, players will feel more motivated to meet objectives and make their lives easier when playing the game.

While I’m enjoying the game a lot so far, I did think that the game difficulty was a bit unforgiving, even in the beginning. However, the developers have told me that the next update (coming this week) should fix the difficulty with enemies and levels, while also bringing plenty of other welcome improvements, so I’m looking forward to that. I also felt that sometimes it seemed like Nott’s movement, especially while jumping over some spikes, can feel a bit slower than usual, so maybe that can be optimized in the future as well.

Otherwise, the game is incredibly fun and one I’m keeping around for a while. The graphics are downright beautiful and look great on Retina screens. The music is captivating and soothing, despite the dark theme of the game. The controls are simple, but do take time and practice to master fully, and I’m still working my way there. It’s been a while since I really got into an endless runner game, but this one has rekindled the spark thanks to the mashup of shooter and runner.

I highly recommend checking out Vikings if you’ve been wanting a challenging but fun infinite runner with precise shooting elements, or just love Norse mythology. You can find Vikings: an Archer’s Journey on the App Store as a universal download for just $2.99. There are no in-app purchases.

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Lose Yourself in the Gorgeous Puzzles of Roofbot

November 08, 2016 by macjeff

Lose Yourself in the Gorgeous Puzzles of Roofbot

Roofbot: Puzzler On The Roof ($2.99) by Double Coconut LLC is a gorgeous puzzle game about a small robot who is just trying to cure the planet and save his family. If you enjoyed titles like A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build, Monument Valley, and even Maestria, then Roofbot is another fine gem to add to the ever-growing collection.

As a gamer, I’ve gone through a rather large variety of games in my lifetime so far, but there is always one genre that I’ll always keep coming back to, and that is the good old classic puzzle game. That’s because even after a long day of work or school or whatever personal things I’m going through, I like to sit down and unwind with a puzzle of some kind to keep my mind stimulated but relaxed at the same time. During my time here at AppAdvice, I have probably gone through most of the puzzle games on the App Store, but I can’t help but get drawn to new ones that come out each week. When I happened to come across Roofbot listed in the “New Games We Love” section (a bit buried under all of the Halloween stuff), I knew it was something I had to get into my hands.

Lose Yourself in the Gorgeous Puzzles of Roofbot

In terms of visuals, Roofbot knocks it out of the park with the gorgeous, isometric perspective graphics. The game starts out with some opening scenes that explain the situation, and these are beautifully drawn and animated. The levels themselves feature zen-like rooftop architectures that are composed of ever-changing tiles, and some elements make me reminisce about Nanuleu, which I don’t think is a bad thing (games inspire other games). The angled perspective makes it easy to see everything that is happening on the screen and also gives it a nice layer of depth. The colors in Roofbot are bright and vivid, and the light particle effects are definitely eye-catching. I also appreciate all of the fine details in the backgrounds of each stage, as you get the sense that each rooftop is different from one another, so it’s always something new to look at. The animations are smooth and fluid with no lag on my iPhone 7, and the soothing, ambient music is rather immersive. The bubbly sound effects are also a delight to hear. Overall, Double Coconut did a fantastic job with the game’s audio and visuals.

Like many other puzzle games, Roofbot is level-based with players clearing previous stages in order to advance to the next one. At the moment, there are five different chapters that have 20 levels each. So for the price of entry, you’re getting a total of 100 challenging puzzles that only get more intricate and complex as you progress.

The goal in each puzzle is to reach the glowing portal tile at the end, but the tile itself can only be lowered by getting the energy objects into their proper slots. While it sounds easy, the truth is that the game is more complicated than that, because the architecture of the roof changes as you move along it, more energy shapes are introduced, and new game mechanics (like portals) are thrown into the mix. This means that each move you make will either take you to the goal or trap you on the roof, so tread carefully and think about each move before you make it.

Lose Yourself in the Gorgeous Puzzles of Roofbot

Controls in Roofbot are simple and intuitive. To move your robot, just swipe your finger in the direction you want to go in. While the tutorial makes it look like you can just do one single swipe to move along until you hit a dead end, the truth is you just move one square at a time. You can also swipe anywhere on the screen to move, not just on top of the robot, so it’s easier for one-handed play. But again, make sure you think about your moves carefully, so don’t just swipe quickly, otherwise you may find yourself trapped as the tiles sink behind you and leave no clear path forward. And since there is no scoring mechanism or time restriction, you can take your time and play the game at your own pace.

If you ever get stuck, the game offers a generous amount of hints from the get-go. Using a hint will reveal the path you should take for one energy ball, but you’ll have to use another one if you are still stuck. The game initially gives you 25 hints and forces you to use one as part of the tutorial, but it’s still much more generous than other games I’ve tried, where you only get like five hints or some single digit number like that.

So far, I have been enjoying Roofbot, even though I’m still in the early stages of the game. I am in love with the graphical style and the audio is delightful. The controls work well, though I did make a mistake every now and then because it seems a bit sensitive to touch, but thankfully there’s an undo button. The game’s difficulty level increases at a gradual pace, so it doesn’t get too difficult too fast, which is always great, making it good enough for the entire family to enjoy. I just wish that there weren’t in-app purchases for hints, but at least you get a good amount to start with (hang on to them — persistence is key to solving levels).

I highly recommend giving Roofbot a try if you are looking for a fun, cute, and challenging puzzler to check out in the upcoming days. You can find Roofbot on the App Store as a universal download for your iPhone and iPad for just $2.99. There are in-app purchases.

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Parallyzed is a Challenging Platform Runner About Sisterly Love

November 08, 2016 by macjeff

Parallyzed is a Challenging Platform Runner About Sisterly Love

Parallyzed: Surreal Platform Runner ($2.99) by Double Coconut LLC is a challenging runner game that tests your platforming and reflexive skills. If you enjoyed titles like Duet Game, Entwined Challenge, and Almost Impossible, then you will like what Parallyzed brings to the table.

While I may not always show my emotions clearly when it comes to various forms of entertainment like movies and television (with a few exceptions), I think it’s different when it comes to games. That’s because games let me take part in the story, and I feel a bit closer to the characters because of this. I experienced this with some games before, such as Stay, Mum, because who doesn’t relate to stories that involve close ties with family? Earlier this week I reviewed Roofbot, but I wasn’t aware that the same developers also had another game on the App Store — Parallyzed. I was intrigued to this title because of the sisterly bond thing, which I have in real life, so I had to give it a shot myself. Needless to say, while it comes from the same developer as Roofbot, it’s an entirely different game experience.

Parallyzed is a Challenging Platform Runner About Sisterly Love

Visually, Parallyzed is gorgeous, as the game features an enchanting dreamscape setting that is full of both wonder and darkness. The character models for the sisters are drawn in a simplistic style but the design still stands out nicely, and the colors in the backdrops are vibrant and lush. But while the colored parts of the game look beautiful, there are plenty of dark elements as well, such as the Limbo-like silhouettes of the platforms and obstacles that you’ll come across. The light particle effects are done nicely, and the animations overall are smooth and fluid. The atmospheric soundtrack behind the game carries a rather spooky and eerie tone to it, which is fitting given the grim nature of the game. Again, Double Coconut has done another fantastic job in terms of visuals and audio.

While Parallyzed is a runner at the core, it is not an infinite runner, so it is level-based. The game starts you off with two tutorial stages that explain the core game mechanics before you are left to your own vices. In Parallyzed, you’ll find the story of two twin sisters who are deeply connected to each other, though they both have their own personalities, abilities, and attributes. But one day, the older sister, Red, goes into a jealous moment and pushes her younger sister, Blue, off of a swing, which resulted in her paralysis. With Red’s unique ability to enter Blue’s mind, she hopes to work with her to help bring her back from her coma and into the real world. The goal in each stage is to help both Red and Blue reach the endpoint in one piece, but it’s much harder than it seems, since you have to match them to their proper glowing light orbs and avoid dangers spikes and other hazards along the way.

In Parallyzed, players control both sisters at the same time as they run alongside each other in parallel platforms. If you tap on the left side of the screen, the sisters will jump. A tap on the right side of the screen lets them swap places with one another. The game starts out simple enough, but as you get further along, the levels pick up the pace, throw more hazards at you, and need you to switch sisters much faster. It’s also important to note the sister’s differences in size, because it can be used to your advantage. A good example is the fact that the smaller sister, Blue, can jump quicker than Red, but may not be high enough for larger spikes. Making sure to have the right sister in place to jump over spikes but also having them in their correct position for the light orbs can be a difficult test, but it’s great for those who want a challenge. There are other items that can also alter gravity, adding another twist to the gameplay.

Parallyzed is a Challenging Platform Runner About Sisterly Love

While the levels can go quickly, things get hard fast. The game keeps track of how many attempts you try on each stage, and each failure tells you your progress percentage. What it comes down to in this game is memorization of the spots where you need to switch places and jump, because otherwise, you’ll be dying at the same spot numerous times before you’ll advance.

Even though the game only has a total of 14 levels, the difficulty level of the game is fairly high, so it will take some time to get through all of the stages. In fact, you will die a lot, hence why the game tracks the number of attempts you’ve done, though it’s just for good fun — the game doesn’t penalize you for more attempts, as the goal is to just reach the end. Parallyzed also has the ability to share your replays through ReplayKit, and a recent update gives you the option for an animated GIF to share, rather than full video.

I’ve only started with Parallyzed so I’m still early on in the game, and I’m trying to make my way through the first level still. As I mentioned, it’s a challenging game that requires good memory, patience, and stamina, because you will end up failing a lot. Even though it may be frustrating, I am still enjoying the game because of the exquisite aesthetics and music that send chills down my spine. The two-touch controls are intuitive and feel natural, which is always a good thing. And while the game does not appear to have a lot of levels, time and practice are required to get through them all (especially since it just gets more difficult), so I believe you get your money’s worth in Parallyzed. Just a fair warning to the casuals out there: this gloomy game is not for the faint of heart.

I recommend giving Parallyzed a go if you want a challenging platformer and reflex game and don’t mind a bit of darkness in the story. You can find Parallyzed on the App Store as a universal download for the iPhone and iPad for just $2.99. There are no in-app purchases.

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