December 09, 2016 by macjeff
Symmetria: Path to Perfection (Free) by Platonic Games is a fast-paced puzzle game that is all about symmetry. If you’re the type of person who gets a bit OCD over things being perfectly symmetrical with one another, then this is the perfect game for you. It joins other symmetry games on the App Store, such as Asymmetric.
With a lot going on in my personal life at the moment, sometimes I just need to sit back and relax with a game on my phone, and for these moments, I always go for a puzzle game. I’ve enjoyed puzzles since I was a little kid, and it’s probably the fact that I love a challenge and like to keep my brain in tip-top shape, even in my downtime. Plus, I find puzzles to just be relaxing, even if there’s time limits on them. And while I am not formally diagnosed with OCD, I tend to get a bit obsessed with perfection at times, such as always having clean hands or making sure that everything is perfectly in their place. With the latter, this includes symmetry, and it bothers me when something is just slightly “off,” if you know what I mean. That’s why when I first heard of Symmetria, I knew that it was a game for me because I can be a perfectionist at times. I’ve played the game during the beta testing phase as well, and now that is finally available, it’s definitely a must have for any puzzle game fan that also has a mild case of OCD about symmetry.
In terms of the game visuals, Symmetria feature a simple and clean design that will appeal to any fans of minimalism. The game uses the stars and constellations as a constant theme, so you are greeted with a dark background that is twinkling with lively stars. Sharp buttons fill the game and the sans serif typeface is just gorgeous to look at. The stages consist of a light colored background on the board itself, and then various colored squares will occupy half of the grid, whether it’s vertical or horizontal. I’m in love with the colors that the game uses, because the squares are nice soft colors with a bit of oomph to them so that they really pop against the creamy beige background. And while the squares start off just being solid colors in the beginning, obstacles get introduced after the first chapter in the campaign, and they’re labeled with minimalistic icons that give you a clear idea of what they do, so there’s not much guesswork involved. Animations are fairly smooth and fluid with no lag on my iPhone 7, and the tranquil and soothing atmospheric soundtrack fully immerses you into the game. The only problem I have is the fact that the game, like several others lately, will halve your background audio, so hopefully that gets fixed in a future update. Still, for the two-man team behind Platonic Games, they’ve done an excellent job with how Symmetria looks, feels, and sounds.
If you are wanting a variety of different modes for your puzzle game, then Symmetria comes packed and ready-to-go. The game contains three modes that are available from the get-go: Campaign, Endless, and Battle. Campaign is the basic single-player mode, where you will solve puzzles one-by-one in chronological order and go through five chapters, represented by constellations, that have a good handful of stages each. Plus, each level is consists of several different parts, so you’ll have to solve a few before it’s considered “complete.” The objective for these stages is to match the pattern on one half of the board to the other, and while it seems easy at first, the levels get larger and more intricate with new obstacles being introduced at each chapter. Fortunately the game gives you a brief prelude on what each new element does, so it’s a gradual increase in difficulty. In Endless, it’s more of Survival as you’ll solve as many boards as you can before the time runs out, so it’s a frantic high score chaser and definitely not as easy at seems. Battle lets you play against someone else locally on one device, completing rounds to earn more points than the other. While most of your time will probably be spent in the Campaign, it’s nice to see that Symmetria includes a ton of variety in the initial free download.
While you get access to the first two constellations in the initial download, the other three are locked behind the premium in-app purchase of $2.99. This premium upgrade also gets rid of all ads, and you’ll have another 45 levels of symmetrical goodness, which I think is worth the price, considering how challenging and satisfying the game can be.
The controls in Symmetria are simple — to activate a square, just tap on it. Since the goal is to match the pattern on the other half, you’ll want to tap the proper squares that will make everything symmetrical. As more colors are introduced, you’ll have to tap squares multiple times in order to match the colors as well, and when obstacles come into the picture, you’ll have to tap on them to get rid of them. If you make a mistake, just tap a square until it defaults back to being empty. Once the patterns are symmetrical with each other, you’ll see visual feedback on the screen before moving on to the next section. The game also defaults to show you hints, which are subtle outline flashes of the correct squares that you need, but these can be turned off if you prefer not having them.
I’ve been playing Symmetria back when it was still being called “Cartesian” in the beta, and I’ve loved it. The game looks fantastic with the sharp and crisp minimalistic graphics, the music is relaxing, and the gameplay itself is deceptively simple but gets a nice and gradual uptick in difficulty as you get further along in the constellations. If you even have a little bit of OCD in you, then this is truly a game that you must check out. The only improvement I would like to see is not halving background audio, so hopefully that’s fixed soon.
I highly recommend checking out Symmetria if you are a fan of puzzle games and consider yourself a perfectionist with a dash of OCD about symmetry. You can find Symmetria on the App Store as a universal download on the iPhone and iPad for free. There is a $2.99 in-app purchase for more levels and removal of ads.
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credit : appadvice
December 09, 2016 by macjeff
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credit : appadvice
December 08, 2016 by macjeff
Dropa! (Free) by Midnight Tea Studio is a puzzle game that is like a circular Tetris. If you enjoyed other puzzles like Swapperoo and Eklips, then you will get a kick out of Dropa!
When I was a kid, I remember spending hours on the old family computer running MS-DOS and playing whatever games were on the system at the time. This included classics like solitaire and Tetris, of course. I would literally sit on the computer for hours at a time playing Tetris, and this is what got me into puzzle games for pretty much the rest of my life (so far). So ever since then, I’ve had an affinity for puzzle games of all kinds, because they always get challenging and they’re stimulating for my mind so my brain doesn’t turn into mush while I’m at home. When the news of Dropa! hit my inbox earlier in the week, I was intrigued, because the game’s description reminded me exactly of Tetris, but with circular rings instead of lines. Naturally, I had to try it out for myself. While it does take some time to get used to, the game is a refreshing change of pace from the typical puzzle game fare that saturates the App Store marketplace.
In terms of visuals, Dropa! features a super minimal aesthetic that is sure to please fans of minimalist design. The game sports an inky black background so that the bright and vivid colors of the game pieces, rings, and other menu buttons pop out at you. And I’m not kidding when I mean that the game has a simple and clean design — it basically consists of basic geometric shapes like circles, dots, and lines. Despite this, it’s still visually pleasing. Animations are fairly smooth and fluid, so I had no lag issues on my iPhone 7. Dropa! also has a rather tranquil and soothing soundtrack in the background, which should help you unwind and relax on getting your next high score in the game. The only issue with the audio in Dropa! is the fact that it will turn down any background audio you have by 50 percent, which is annoying. Hopefully the developer can get this fixed in the future.
If you have played Tetris at any point in your lifetime, then you will be somewhat familiar with how Dropa! works. Players will always start from the first level in the game, and then as they rack up points by clearing out rings, then they will advance into later levels. The nice thing about Dropa! is the fact that the game does not impose a time limit on you and you have an unlimited number of lives, so it’s truly stress free. The game has an infinite amount of levels to go through, so you can completely play at your own pace, which is always nice when you just want to unwind. There is also a Daily Challenge mode if you want something new each and every day while competing with other players for the top spot on the leaderboards. Regardless of how you want to play Dropa!, there’s plenty of content to be had here.
Controls in Dropa! are rather simple, but does take some time to practice and master. In the center of the circular grid is a game piece that consists of colored dots that form a shape, like the tetrominos in Tetris. The circular grid is where you will be placing the pieces on, so that they fit into the circles, and once a ring is full, it is cleared out and you earn points. To rotate the piece, just tap on it in the center, and then when you find a place where it will fit, just drag it onto the empty circle slots. To rotate the grid, just drag it around with your finger. Once the piece is in place, it solidifies into a segment on the ring. Your goal is to make as many full rings as possible for points and to advance to the next level.
On top of that, make sure to keep an eye on the bottom dock, where you will see what the upcoming piece will be. This helps you plan strategically to get the most points as possible. If you’re stuck, you can also swap out the current piece for a different one by tapping on the button in the bottom left of the grid, but this will cost you 250 coins each time. Another tool available for you to use is to have the AI help you find a good spot for the piece you have right now, but again, it will cost you coins to make use of. For what it’s worth, the game gives you a generous amount of coins to start with, and there are plenty of opportunities to get more coins once you start playing the game.
If you’re impatient, though, you can always buy more coins through in-app purchases, which range from $0.99 to $19.99. There is also an IAP for ad-removal at $1.99, which you may want to consider if you like the game because the ads do get annoying.
I’ve only started playing Dropa! but so far I’m liking what the game offers. The minimalistic aesthetic is nice, the music is relaxing, and the controls are pretty easy to learn once you spend some time with it. As a big fan of Tetris growing up, it’s nice to see more games take that basic concept and give it a fresh new twist. However, I still think there is some room for improvement, as the rotation of the grid itself can be a bit jerky, so that should be made smoother in an update. And the game needs to not halve the volume of background audio, as this is one of the most annoying things a game can do (I’m also looking at you, Pokémon Go).
I recommend giving Dropa! a shot if you enjoy Tetris-inspired puzzle games and want something different in your puzzle game collection. You can find Dropa! on the App Store as a universal download for your iPhone and iPad for free. There are in-app purchases for more coins and ad-removal.
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credit : appadvice
December 08, 2016 by macjeff
Weather Gods by Meyume Ltd delivers your weather information to your iPhone like never before and is sure to bring out the meteorologist in you.
Weather Gods is an app featuring just about any weather data you could possibly want, all in a visually appealing and easy-to-use manner.
Specifically, this app provides users with animated, real-time weather prediction information for their regions.
It also features info on moon phases and 24 hour weather charts, as well as international info such as world clocks. The app is best used in an area where you can listen to its sounds (or simply have headphones on hand when using this app); weather-specific sounds keep use of Weather Gods an entertaining experience.
I personally found the historic weather data displayed through the app to be particularly helpful; while weather predictions only project so far into the future, being able to look at past weather trends for a region conveniently provided some insight into what further down into the month looks like.
Although users who want pure data without fun graphics probably won’t be in to what Weather Gods has to offer, consumers who prefer a little more entertainment with their practical applications will surely be fans of this app.
Appearance and Layout:
Meyume Ltd touts this app to have impressive graphics, and I found that Weather Gods certainly lived up to this claim.
While most weather apps stick to minimal graphic details and clutter your screen with random ads, Weather Gods only features weather-related (or season-related) graphical displays.
The interactive layout of this app is also impressive, as it really makes it easy to find the information you’re hunting for quickly (but still through a lovely interface).
Overall, the developers of Weather Gods have done a terrific job with its appearance and layout and it’s probably its strongest feature.
There is no doubt that Weather Gods is a beautiful app. It makes getting weather updates an exciting, new experience–even if it’s just delivering info that you could easily get other places.
Its graphics are far above those of other weather apps. Still, at $3.99, this is definitely a considerably pricey weather app, limiting its target audience to only those consumers who really truly love to get their weather data regularly.
Of course as usual you get what you pay for. If you’re like many people who just want a quick check to see if it will rain today, most free apps will do the job. However, if you have more of an interest in the different aspects of your weather, Weather Gods is hard to beat.
Weather Gods requires iOS 10.0 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.
TheiPhoneAppReview’s rating:
credit : theiphoneappreview
December 08, 2016 by macjeff
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credit : appadvice
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